This platform exhibits the authentic “Shield of David” (Magen David), which is a concept — not a star. Associated with the letter Alef (א) — as a designation for God — a portrait of this concept was uncovered in 2011 in the City of David. King David regarded “Adonai” (“My Lord”) as his Master (Alufo) and Shield, as he says, “But You, O Lord, are a shield for me.” As the primordial secret, this concept represents the key to the Adam-Eve-Snake narrative and is associated with the oversized midpoint letter of the Torah in Vayikra 11:42.
Magen David - Shield of David - מגן דויד
As the primordial secret, the “Shield of David” entails the key to reversing the curses of Adam «∧» and Havah «∨.» Hence, enabling the return of Shekhinah, the manifestation of the Divine Feminine in our realm of reality. (Explained further down)
Archaeologically Uncovered in 2011
A portrait of the concept of the “Shield of David” — as carvings in the bedrock — was uncovered in a 2011 archeological discovery in the City of David in Jerusalem. However, the archaeologists, with decades of experience, including outside experts, were puzzled and “could not at least venture a guess about its nature.” The City of David Foundation issued a press release with a rare request to the public for help in identifying these mysterious carvings: “The 2,800-year-old mysterious carvings left archeologists baffled.”
Video of the excavation site at the City of David in Jerusalem
Israel Antiquities Authority
More information from the City of David Foundation
The Image of the Shield of David (Magen David)
Given the “Shield of David” is a concealed concept, there is no mention of any associated image in any authoritative Jewish book (See the Primordial Secret below). However, the first mention of the term “Shield of David” occurred in the Talmud Pesachim 117b.9-10 as a designation for the Almighty and equated with the “Shield of Abrahm” (Magen Abrahm; מגן אברהם). Contrary to the “Shield of David,” which lacks theological experience, the “Shield of Abrahm” is rooted in the Torah and is part of the primary daily prayer (Amida) as a reference to God: “Praised are You, Lord, Shield of Abraham.” However, the carvings also represent the secret behind the “mighty hand” by which the Jewish people were redeemed, as mentioned in Shemot 13:14.
Shield of Abrahm - The Lord
Founded on God’s promise to Abrahm in Bereshit 15:1: “Fear not, Abram, I am a shield to you,” the concept of God as a “Shield” was established. Bereshit 17:1, Psalms 18:31, II Samuel 22:31, and Surah An-Nisa (The Women), Ayat 125, emphasize the importance of following Abrahm’s path. However, in our generation, no belief systems, including the Judeo-Chrislamic religions, follow Abrahm’s path. (see ABRAHMIC)
Shield of David - The Lord
Based on Shemot 3:14, “I will be What I will be” (אהיה אשר אהיה), King David regarded “The Master” (Alufo; אלופו) as his shield, as he says in Psalms 3:4, “But You, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the Elevator of my mind.” King David did not consider God a star nor put his trust in the physical shield he carried during his battles. Instead, he did it for Alef: Alef (א) represents “Alufo Shel Olam” (אלופו של עולם), “The Master of the Universe.” Hence, King David chose the same Shield that protected Abrahm. (The hint of “the Elevator of my mind” is explained further down).
The Six-pointed Star - City of David
An Explanation for the Carvings - The Obvious
David’s Name in Hebrew דוד (DVD) and דויד (DVYD)
David’s Name in Farsi - Justice or Law
The Hebrew word for Religion דת (dāt)
The modern Hebrew word for Religion דת (dāt), which historically was used for “law,” appears in the Book of Ester and the Masoretic writing of the Torah in the portion of V’Zot HaBerachah. The term used for the “religious law,” Halakha (הֲלָכָה), literally means “the way of walking.” The word ToRah (תּוֹרָה ;توراه), in Farsi, would literally mean: “Your” (تو; To), “Way” (راه; Rah), in modern Farsi: Rah(e)To (راه تو; your way). The Farsi word for religion Din (דין ;دین) is the term used for “law” and “Justice” in Hebrew. See also ‘PERSONALIZED RELIGION.’
道德 (DāoDe) - Morality
The Chinese term 道德 DāoDe means “morality,” “ethics,” “ethical principles,” or “morals” and is composed of two words: 道 (dāo) means “way,” or one of its synonyms, but was extended to mean “the Way.” And 德 (dé) means “virtue,” “personal character,” “inner strength” (virtuosity), or “integrity.” (See also this answer). The Hebrew word for (Talmudic) knowledge is dea (דֵּעָה) and doa (دعا) is the Farsi term for prayer.
Magen David - The Alef
The gematria of אלף (Alef) is 111. The gematria of דוד (DVD) is 14, equal to 1110 in the binary number system. The number 1110, which represents a full manifestation (10x 111), is the gematria of “בשבתות” (in Shabbats; in days of rest), as mentioned in Ezekiel 46:3, and the verse in Bereshit 31:11: And an angel of God said to me in a dream, ‘Jacob!’ And I said, ‘Here I am.’
An Explanation for the Carvings - Deeper Level
∨ This symbol represents the vessel (Kli; כלי), grail, valley, Havah (Eve), feminine and the female, number seven (Farsi: ۷; ASCII:7), finite, logical disjunction, inclusive, inhale, broad, right brain hemisphere, moon, Yin, and more. (Feminine: Shabbat on the 7th day)
∧ This symbol represents the light (Or; אור), blade, mountain, Adam, masculine and the male, number eight (Farsi: ۸; ASCII: 8), infinite, logical conjunction, exclusive, exhale, focused, left brain hemisphere, sun, Yang, and more. (Masculine: Circumcision on the 8th day)
"The universe is asymmetric and I am persuaded that life, as it is known to us, is a direct result of the asymmetry of the universe or of its indirect consequences."
— Louis Pasteur
Asymmetry in Biology
Imposing imagery in Torah’s narratives has corrupted today’s understanding of its multifaceted nature. The portrayal of Adam and Havah — as a type of mirror image — does not represent parity between the two, similar to the non-superposable left and right hands, chiral molecules, or our asymmetrical internal organs, including the heart, liver, lungs, stomach, and brain. For instance, asymmetry characterizes the brain in terms of structure, function, and behavior. The platform ‘DEVELOPMENTAL PLASTICITY’ elaborates on right brain hemisphere superiority in the realm of lateralized behavior. Here is a short clip by Dr. Iain McGilchrist on the difference between the brain’s left and right hemispheres. However, to ensure harmonious functionality, the critical element is the bridging connector (Vav), or, in this constellation, the Corpus Callosum (CC), which is referred to as the “six-winged messenger” or “seraf” (صراف; Exchanger) in many prophecies associated with the final redemption. This concept is linked with the vision of Isaiah 6:2-3 and the (triple) Kedushah (Holiness) of the Amida prayer (see further down).
The Scale of Justice - Asymmetrical (not equal)
The fourth element on the right side of the carvings is a scale (of Justice), displaying the proper balance to be asymmetrical, akin to many natural phenomena. Other platforms will elaborate more on this topic. However, one implication is that the laws should not equally apply to men and women, and women shall have more rights and obligations, as explained on the WOMENS OBLIGATIONS platform. The platform SEVEN BRANCH elaborates on threats of a single global polity for humankind.
The Divine Feminine Presence
Dwelling in the Lower Realms
Traditionally, the building blocks of the letter Alef are defined as Yud-Vav-Yud (YVY, יוי). However, Magen David represents the building blocks as Dalet-Vav-Dalet (DVD, דוד). This constellation is associated with the concept of “Dira Betakhtonim” (Dwelling in the lower realms; דירה בתחתונים), which concerns the process of manifesting the presence of God within the world. (see ‘HEMIDEUS‘)
9th of ∧∨ 5873 (Tisha B’Av) - The Conception of Redemption
“Something of man’s secret enters into his symbols.”
—Gershom Scholem
The Primordial Secret
As mentioned before, the Magen David represents the numbers seven and eight, combined with any other digit, for example, three: 783. The reversal of letters of Alef (אלף) is the Hebrew word for “miracle or wonder” (פלא; Pele). The acronym for the Hebrew year 5783 (תשפג) is “May it be a Year of Great Miracle” (תְּהֵא שְׁנַת פֶּלֶא גָּדוֹל). Please visit this page to learn more.
The Two Missing Dalets « ד »
Rectify the Sin of Adam and Havah
Reversal of Curses of Adam and Havah
The concept of Magen David entails the key to the reversal of the so-called “Curses of Adam and Eve” and facilitates greater harmony. Havah’s curses in Bereshit 3:14 is about her status as a state of subordination to Adam. Out of the four curses, humanity can reverse this curse, which will rectify the other three punishments, eventually. Once implemented, humanity will comprehend that the condition called “curse” is a natural consequence of the inferiority of Havah (women) — not a punishment.
A Short Explanation of the Narrative
Guiding Experiences and Frame of References
Reversal of Status of Adam and Havah
King David’s Harp - Neurons
Prophecies on the Unique Role of Women
Various sources link world peace and harmony with the role of women. FEMININE PEACE elaborates on the unique biological characteristics qualifying feminine women for the task. However, Jeremiah 31:22 prophecy reminds women of their mission to guide and protect the man: “How long will you hide, O rebellious daughter? For the Lord has created something new on the earth, a woman shall encompass a man.”
Valley and Mountain
Malchut's Kedusha
The Arizal notes that the word Ner (נר; Candle) with the gematria of 250 is equivalent to the value of the unification (Yikhud) of three pairs of Divine names: Ehyeh (21) + Elohim (86) + Adonai (65) combined with three times Tetragrammaton, YHVH (26). [Calculation: 3×26= 78; 78+21+86+65= 250; 2+5+0= Seven « ∨ »] This unification, as a meditative process, enables us to draw the power of transcendent Divinity, as the experience of Holiness, into our manifest world.
One→No Love | Two→Fight | Three→Harmony
Devarim 5:12:
שָׁמוֹר אֶת-יוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת, לְקַדְּשׁוֹ
Guard the Shabbat day, keep it holy
Shemot 20:8:
זָכוֹר אֶת-יוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת, לְקַדְּשׁוֹ
Remember the Shabbat day, keep it holy
Based on a mystical level, this principle is associated with the letters YBK (יבק) and the term YiBoK (Gematria 112), an acronym for Yikhud (Unification), Berakhah (Blessing), and Kedushah (Holiness), as well as with the concluding portion of Psalms 20:10 reading (יַעֲנֵ֥נוּ בְיוֹם־קׇרְאֵֽנוּ) “may the King answer us on the day we call.”
The I I I Candles Represent 111
The III candles symbolize the letter Alef (אלף) with the gematria of 111. At the same, 111, which is binary for the number Seven «∨» represents the seventh day: Shabbat. The III candles also represent the letter Shin (ש), hence the Hebrew word for Fire (אש; ESh). The Gematria of Shin is 300, equal to “Spirit of God” (רוח אלֹהים). Starting with Sarah (ساره ;שרה), it is the woman that lights Shabbat candles to bring the Holiness into homes, hence channels the Divine presence (Shekhinah; شِخینا ;שכינה) in our existence, as explained in HEMIDEUS. The Torah refers to women as “the midwives,” God’s partners in creation. (Shemot Rabba 1:19)
Based on an executive order, the Nazis added the name Sara to Jewish women’s ID cards if her name didn’t sound Jewish. [Source: Die Zweite Namensänderungsverordnung vom 1938-8-17. Fundstelle: Deutsches Reichsgesetzblatt Band 1938 Teil I, Seite 1044.]
The I I I Candles - Feminine Firewall
The Hamsa - Feminine Hand-Shaped Amulet for Protection
The New Peace Sign - Feminine Peace
Like many other upside-down issues of our generation, the current international peace sign resembles an overturned and framed tree. In accordance with the Shield of David and other sources, it is suggested to overturn and uncover the present peace sign to simulate an upright and free tree. Rather than the use of the two-finger victory sign, the new peace sign shall be demonstrated with three fingers of the right hand, representing the three (III) candles. Besides symbolizing “the hand of protection,” the three-finger salute shall signify a covenant of peace among humankind.
Mental Guardians - Vultures' Wings
As elaborated on the SORAYAH platform, based on various prophecies, such as “He [Abrahm] is lying in the wings of Sarah, and she is gazing at his head” (Talmud Bava Batra 58a.3), the primary responsibility of women is to serve as mental guardians of men and help them to improve their brains. Hence, akin to Abrahm, men are obligated to listen and follow women’s guidance.